Fitness Review

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Oprah Winfrey - Bob Greene Diet

When entertainment celebrities lose weight many people hope to emulate their success and find out how they did it. Oprah Winfrey had the help of fitness trainer Bob Greene. His program combines many tried and true methods for losing weight and getting into shape. The first part is understanding why you are overweight. By keeping a food journal people understand if they are making poor food choices, eating for emotional satisfaction or other reasons. Armed with this knowledge they begin to solve their own individual problem. They then learn how to make healthier food choices and to eat reasonable quantities of food. One of the things about this program that differs from many others is the amount of carbohydrates you can eat while following the plan. In fact carbohydrates make up the majority of the foods you eat while on the plan.

As you begin to improve your nutritional habits you will also start to exercise. Again the exercises are chosen for simplicity. You won’t need to visit a health club or make any additional equipment purchases. The exercises can be done from your home using wall, doorways or chairs as needed. While you won’t be building a large amount of muscle mass on this program you will be able to shape and tone your body.

This is a complete program that is for everyone regardless of your current fitness level.

For more information visit these websites:

Oprah's Book Club Bob Greene's Total Body Makeover
Bob Greene's Get with it Program


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