Fitness Review

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Glycemic Index Diet

The Glycemic Index diet is one of the newest diets available for people to choose from this year. Like some other low carb diets such as Atkins or Zone the Glycemic Index measures how much of an increase your body is going to have in blood sugar after you consumed that food item. The higher the number the more insulin required. The more insulin the more bad carbohydrates the food will contain. While originally meant only for people with diabetes the Glycemic index diet is starting to be used by other people. One important fact to know about foods with a low GI number they may not always be the healthiest choice.

See the Glycemic Index Diet from

Glycemic Index information from

Glycemic Index - Glycemic

Glycemic Index Chart -

Find out about Diabetes from

American Diabetes Association

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Thursday, March 10, 2005

Oprah Winfrey - Bob Greene Diet

When entertainment celebrities lose weight many people hope to emulate their success and find out how they did it. Oprah Winfrey had the help of fitness trainer Bob Greene. His program combines many tried and true methods for losing weight and getting into shape. The first part is understanding why you are overweight. By keeping a food journal people understand if they are making poor food choices, eating for emotional satisfaction or other reasons. Armed with this knowledge they begin to solve their own individual problem. They then learn how to make healthier food choices and to eat reasonable quantities of food. One of the things about this program that differs from many others is the amount of carbohydrates you can eat while following the plan. In fact carbohydrates make up the majority of the foods you eat while on the plan.

As you begin to improve your nutritional habits you will also start to exercise. Again the exercises are chosen for simplicity. You won’t need to visit a health club or make any additional equipment purchases. The exercises can be done from your home using wall, doorways or chairs as needed. While you won’t be building a large amount of muscle mass on this program you will be able to shape and tone your body.

This is a complete program that is for everyone regardless of your current fitness level.

For more information visit these websites:

Oprah's Book Club Bob Greene's Total Body Makeover
Bob Greene's Get with it Program

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Atkins Diet

One of the most popular low-carb diets today is the Atkins diet. This nutritional plan was developed by Dr Robert Atkins nearly 30 years ago. The basic tenant of the Atkins approach is that each individual person has unique and individual carbohydrate consumption level. By managing your carbohydrate intake you are able to control your weight.

The program consists of four separate phases, known as induction, ongoing weight loss, pre-maintenance, and maintenance. During the initial phase of the program you eliminate all bad carbohydrates from your diet, along with white flours and processed grains. In place of the processed and refined grains you will eat brown grains like whole wheat. In place of the bad carbohydrates you will substitute good carbohydrates from vegetables. Once your body runs out of stored carbohydrates to use for energy it switches to burning fat for energy. As your body starts to lose weight and you approach your target weight you slowly add carbohydrates back into your diet. This process helps you determine where your personal carbohydrate level.

Related Websites:
Atkins Official
Atkins Alert

Monday, March 07, 2005


Relacore is a dietary supplement that helps you lose weight by suppressing your appetite. The active ingredient in Relacore is Magnolia bark, an ancient Chinese herb, which has been in use for almost 2000 years. As the body undergoes stress or anxiety a natural hormone Cortisol is released into the blood stream. Cortisol is completely natural and occurs in everyone’s body. When cortisol is released it triggers an increase in appetite. By countering this increase in appetite the goal is to cut down on caloric intake and lose weight.

While it is possible to lose weight just by eating less, most people will only see modest results. For the product to have it maximum effect, you should combine this supplement with a healthy diet and regular exercise.